Last Price
Today's Change
+0.01 (4.081%)
Day's Change
0.245 - 0.255
Trading Volume
Avg Volume (4 weeks)
4 Weeks Range
0.245 - 0.265
4 Weeks Price Volatility (%)
52 Weeks Range
0.245 - 0.325
52 Weeks Price Volatility (%)
Previous Close
0.25 x 7,288,700
0.255 x 13,971,800
Day's Range
0.245 - 0.255
Trading Volume
Sector: Real Estate Activities
Sector: Real Estate Activities
ESR-LOGOS REIT is a leading New Economy and future-ready Asia Pacific S-REIT. Listed on the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited since 25 July 2006, ESR-LOGOS REIT invests in quality income-producing industrial properties in key gateway markets. As at 30 June 2022, ESR-LOGOS REIT holds interests in a diversified portfolio of logistics properties, high-specifications industrial properties, business parks and general industrial properties with total assets of approximately S$5.5 billion. Its portfolio comprises 83 properties (excluding 48 Pandan Road held through a joint venture) located across the developed markets of Singapore (62 assets) and Australia (21 assets), with a total gross floor area of approximately 2.3 million sqm, as well as investments in three property funds in Australia. ESR-LOGOS REIT is also a constituent of the FTSE EPRA Nareit Global Real Estate Index. ESR-LOGOS REIT is managed by ESR-LOGOS Funds Management (S) Limited (the "Manager") and sponsored by ESR Group Limited ("ESR"). The Manager is owned by ESR (91.3%), Mitsui & Co., Ltd (7.7%), and Shanghai Summit Pte. Ltd. (1.0%), respectively.
i bought at 0.462, should i sell now ?
2012-10-10 20:47