Last Price
Today's Change
-0.003 (5.66%)
Day's Change
0.05 - 0.054
Trading Volume
Avg Volume (4 weeks)
4 Weeks Range
0.045 - 0.054
4 Weeks Price Volatility (%)
52 Weeks Range
0.023 - 0.054
52 Weeks Price Volatility (%)
Previous Close
0.05 x 2,586,800
0.051 x 221,500
Day's Range
0.05 - 0.054
Trading Volume
Sector: Mining and Quarrying
Sector: Mining and Quarrying
acific Radiance Ltd. is an investment holding company engaged in owning, managing, chartering and operating of offshore support vessels and dive support vessels, and ship repair. The Company's segments include Ship Management business and Shipyard Business. The Ship Management business segment is engaged in managing, chartering and operating of offshore vessels supporting the offshore oil and gas industry. The Shipyard Business segment is engaged in ship-repair activities. The Company's services include offshore support services, subsea services and shipyard services. Its offshore support service owns and operates a comprehensive fleet of offshore vessels for exploration and production support across the life cycle of an offshore field. Its subsea service owns and operates subsea vessels to provide IMR project services as well as straight vessel charters. The Company's shipyard service provides ship repair and maintenance services as well as shipbuilding project management services.