Hi-P’s share price has tumbled 46% YTD and 62% from its high of S$2.72 in March 2018. At current PE of 9.3x and 9.2x on FY18F and FY19x earnings respectively, Hi-P is trading at attractive valuations relatively to peers' 15x and 12x.
From a longer-term perspective, it is also below its historical average on a forward PE and P/BV basis. Hence, we upgrade our recommendation to BUY from HOLD on valuation grounds.
With the majority of its manufacturing plants in China, Hi-P is vulnerable to the trade tariffs. Our scenario analysis shows that FY19F earnings could fall by 17% in a worst case scenario, but there should be minimal impact on our current FY18F numbers.
Vulnerable to trade tariff with most of its manufacturing plants in China.
Hi-P has 13 manufacturing plants globally located across six locations in China (Shanghai, Chengdu, Tianjin, Xiamen, Suzhou and Nantong), and also in Poland, Singapore and Thailand. Hi-P has marketing and engineering support centres in China, Singapore, Taiwan and the US.
With the majority of its plants in China, Hi-P is vulnerable to the trade tariffs. US companies importing goods from China will have to pay an additional 10% levy now and the tax will rise to 25% from the start of 2019, unless the two countries reach a trade pact.
Consumer Electronics segment most vulnerable to trade tariff.
Hi-P’s business can be classified into five broad segments as follows:
Business Segment% of revenue (estimate)
Wireless | 20% |
Computing & Peripherals | 20% |
Consumer Electronics | 38% |
Industrial & Medical | 2% |
IoT & Accessories | 20% |
TOTAL | 100% |
Based on the current list of goods affected by the trade tariff, the Consumer Electronics segment is most vulnerable, though not all of Hi-P’s customers are in US. The rest of the segments may not see a direct impact, but may also well be affected by the tariffs because they are involved in the complex supply chains.
Scenario analysis on the impact of trade tariff
Overall, we expect Hi-P to be affected by the current trade tariff, though we are unable to quantify the extent of the impact now. However, not all of Hi-P’s products are affected by the higher taxation as its customers are mainly global customers from different regions.
For FY17, 24% of the products were shipped to US, 59% to China, 7% to Europe and the balance to Asia.
Higher tax burden to be shared among suppliers
Furthermore, Hi-P is unlikely to bear the full tax impact as the tax burden is likely to be shared among the suppliers in the whole technology value chain, and also the end-consumers. Hence, we attempt to assess the impact of the trade tariffs on Hi-P’s earnings based on the following assumptions and scenarios:
Possible 1-3% cut in earnings; worst case 2-17%.
Mitigating measures for Hi-P
Relocate plants outside China, including Thailand.
Explore M&A targets in Europe.
Maintain forecasts for now.
Our current forecasts have already accounted for the trade war uncertainty. We have earlier cut our earnings by about 40% since the trade war started.
We would review our numbers after the release of the company's 3Q results, when we have more clarity on the impact from the trade tariff.
Upgrade to BUY on attraction valuations; Target Price revised up to S$1.30.
Hi-P's share price has tumbled 46% YTD and 62% from its high of S$2.72 in March 2018. At the current price of S$1.02, it is only 24% above our initiation price of S$0.82 in May last year. At current PE of 9.5x and 9.4x on FY18F and FY19x earnings respectively, Hi-P is trading at attractive valuations relative to peers' 15x and 12x.
From a longer-term perspective, in terms of forward PE trading band from 2004, Hi-P is trading below its historical average of 11x. On a P/BV basis, at 1.4x, it is also below its long-term average of 1.65x. Hence, we upgrade our recommendation to BUY from HOLD on valuation grounds.
Our revised Target Price of S$1.30 (Previously S$1.21) is based on peers’ average of 12x (Previous peg to 30% discount to peer average of 16x current year earnings) on next year’s earnings, and rolling forward our earnings peg to FY19F numbers. The 12x valuation peg is also close to Hi-P’s 12-month forward historical average.
Benefitting from the strengthening USD.
Source: DBS Research - 02 Oct 2018
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