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7 comment(s). Last comment by dusti 2014-09-12 09:33
Posted by dusti > 2014-04-23 09:31 | Report Abuse
Price should be 55cents at least for this good performing company. Maybe not many investors know about it
Posted by ahlek888 > 2014-05-11 22:30 | Report Abuse
dust what's your valuation based on?
Posted by dusti > 2014-05-12 11:18 | Report Abuse
Hi ahlek888, IR is very much below the radar of analysts and investors and price is drifting nowhere. I took an average of a few analysts' TPs but one has recently upped to 69. Not surprising as recently two digs were confirmed oil producers. Check IR at for their achievement of producing wells in 2013 and 2014. Of course, there are many questions to ask, but I'm contented to being in a good place. Only hope price will be more realistic. Buy some and wait for the good news to hit the fan. Good luck!
Posted by ahlek888 > 2014-07-12 23:22 | Report Abuse
wow, this counter hasn't been moving much at all in the right direction. is that why the management is sweetening the deal by offering free warrants? but even that is taking quite a while to come into action. what are your thoughts?
Posted by dusti > 2014-09-12 09:33 | Report Abuse
Hi ahlek888. Have been puzzled on what is happening to IR and wondering I should take damage control measures. A couple of interesting news were released recently.....on5/9 the long awaited details of bonus issue/capitalisation issue (which I have asked my remiser to interprete) and on8/9 the announcement of a oil producer at 2000bopd, the best ever achieved by IR. Share price has improved from a scary 29.5 to 33 cents now. I still have high hopes for IR. Meantime you may want to check out Rex International which is in the same biz., but with more international exposure. On 2/9 an analyst had a "buy" on Rex Int.60.5 to a TP of 127cents.....I enjoy such dreams! Good luck! Cheers! Dusti
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Posted by inphyy > 2013-09-04 19:28 | Report Abuse
Hmmmm...oil and gas exploration firm Interra Resources outperformed the market after announcing a deal to acquire an oil field in Indonesia’s South Sumatra.
OMG! Still trade in this price range? Sometime ago me hop ship due to pitiful Trading Volume regardless good news dig here and there for black gold