A Path to Forever Financial Freedom

How To Play Fraser Logistics Trust (FLT) Rights Issuance

Publish date: Thu, 10 May 2018, 10:31 AM
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This is a personal blog that keeps journal for my pursue of financial independence by the age of 35.
This is a continuation from the previous post where FLT decides to venture into their Germany and Dutch acquisitions.

After the EGM was conducted and approved on the 9th May, they quickly came up with the details of the $476m equity fund raising activities which includes a private placement and a non-renounceable preferential offerings to existing unitholders.

The private placement is issued at 345.8m new units at an issue higher end price of $0.987 each to raise gross proceeds of $332.7m. The private placement result shows that it was 3.9 times oversubscribed which saw strong participation channel from institutional investors.

In addition, there is a non-renounceable preferential offering of 152.2m new units on the basis of 1 for every 10 existing units in FLT held at an issue price of between $0.942 and $0.967 each. The likelihood is we will see it ended up at the higher end of $0.967, and this is the part which will concern unitholders like us more.

I'll give a general rundown of how my usual approach for applying for rights on reits, and then I will focus for FLT specifically.

There are generally 3 levels that you have to watch out for when a Reit announces rights or preferential offerings that will concern and impact you as unitholders.

First Level - The general occurrence is that when Reits first announce their plans on placement or rights, the share price would usually drop. This is because the placement or rights tend to be offered at a discount to the latest traded price. Since the details of the offerings are not yet announced, we won't know what the Theoretical Ex-Rights Price (TERP) is. The market will be volatile in this case speculating the details of the offerings.

Second Level - This is when more details on the offerings are revealed and released to public and the market starts computing the TERP to see if the acquisitions are yield accretive. If yes (and also depending on how much accretive it is), you can be sure that they will rebound strongly following the announcement. If it is found not to be yield accretive, then the share price would go down up to near the TERP support.

We are currently at this level for FLT.

Third Level - The third level is usually reserved for renounceable rights where the rights are transferable and can be bought and sold in the market. The rights are trading typically for someone who wants to dispose their entitled rights or someone who wants to get into the shares by buying the rights from the market.

This third level is not applicable for FLT case as the offerings are non-renounceable.

Then you have three groups of people typically in this sort of environment: 

1.) People who are currently holding the existing mother shares (like me). 

In my case, I am holding 110,000 + 35,000 (my family) shares and thus will be entitled for the rights for 14,500 shares at probably $0.967. This means I need to get ready a cash minimally of $14,021.50 if I want to subscribe to all the rights. It is also important to note that since this is a non-renounceable rights, that means that my stakes will be diluted if I do not subscribe to the rights. So die die I need to find $14,021.50 worth of funds.

In the usual case scenario, I'd also apply for excess units just in case there are extra that some people are forgoing the rights. However, since this is a non-renounceable rights and people cannot trade this on the market, it is unlikely that they will not subscribe to this unless they do not understand the offerings. I'll still try my luck but I doubt we'll get much out from it since everyone would be subscribing (look at this more like a forced offering to participate).

2.) People who are not holding the mother shares but want to get some of the actions. 

In this case, you have a few options you can take. 

The first is buying the mother share before it goes ex-rights and you will be entitled to the rights just like me. Then you can follow my first option above.

The second is simply buying the mother shares right after the whole episode is concluded and done with. That should set the tone how "low" they would go in this particular exercise. For a strong Reit, this usually does not work as the share price would rebound back to where they are before the offering. I used to try this option with my sabana and lmirt experiment in the past and was very successful.

The buying of rights in the market is usually also an option but it would not be applicable for FLT case.

3.) People who wants to participate but don't have enough funds to do subscribe.

This may sound hilarious but I've seen people who goes all in on Reits and has not enough funds when the Reits call for equity fundraising.

Since the case for FLT is non-renounceable, you are not able to sell the rights on the market which means you will be diluted if you don't subscribe.

What you can do is to "swallow the tail", a term used by philosopher in the past where you can sell part of your current holdings, get some funds out from it, and use the funds to subscribe to the rights offerings for the leftover units.

This may still work well and most importantly, you will not get diluted impact.


The key timeline to watch is the between the 23rd May and 1st June, where you can apply for the preferential offering either on the atm or your internet banking. There's still a lot of time left, so you can take your time to bid. I usually go towards till the last few days before I apply for my rights.

There will be an advance distribution from the period of 1 April until 21st May (the listing of new units of private placement) which they decide to give out 0.69 cents to existing unitholders, so do factor that in your consideration.

And of course, for whatever strange reason, the share price has rebounded strongly to pre-announcement of $1.09, which means the TERP will get even higher than predicted. Assuming it closed today at $1.09, and factoring ex-dividend of 3.61 cents + advance distribution of 0.69 cents, the ex-CD + ex-rights price would be at $1.047.

The TERP based on the enlarged unit base would be at around $1.031, which means it is still a solid discount to get the rights which is offered at $0.967.

Thanks for reading.

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